About Us

Health and Safety

We count on you to help us maintain a healthy environment for all of our students and our staff. Please do not bring your child to RUMC-ECDC if he/she is sick.

The state Health Department will not allow us to accept children if they exhibit any of the following symptoms:
  • Any contagious disease
  • Rash
  • Severe Coughing
  • Vomiting
  • Eye Discharge
  • Continuous irritability and crying
  • Diarrhea (3 or more unusually loose bowel movements)
  • Fever of 101°or higher (children are not allowed back until they remain free of fever for 24 hours)
  • Jaundice
  • Sore throat with fever and swollen glands
  • Lice or nits
  • Labored or rapid breathing
  • Skin eruptions

If your child becomes ill during Center hours, you will be notified immediately to pick up your child within one hour. If parents are not available, the emergency contacts will be notified.

If your child is sent home from the Center because of sickness, he/she cannot return until they are free of symptoms for 24 hours without the aid of medication. This is to ensure the safety and health of the other children.

Your child may return the next day if you have a note from a pediatrician stating that they are not contagious. This note will need to be brought to the office before the child is taken to his/her room.

For minor injuries such as bumps and bruises, we will provide first aid and complete an accident report; parents will not be called. For more serious injuries or any injury involving bleeding, parents will be contacted immediately.

Due to the danger of handling fecal matter, we do not accept cloth diapers. Please bring disposable diapers only.

Should your child have a contagious illness, such as chicken pox, measles, etc., please let the Center know so that other parents can be notified. It is necessary to have a doctor’s note stating that it is all right for the child to come back to the Center. Upon recovery of a communicable disease or contagious illness, the Center must have a doctor’s excuse stating that the child is no longer contagious and can return to the Center.

Due to liability considerations, we are unable to dispense medication of any kind to your child.


Emergency Medical Treatment

A form giving permission for treatment of your child in case of an emergency (if parents cannot be reached) must be signed and given to the Center. This form provides a place for parents to give the name of the doctor to call or hospital emergency room preference to be used.

Parents will be responsible for any expenses incurred for the treatment, transportation and care of their child.

The majority of the employees in our Center are trained in CPR and First Aid.


Parents are responsible for accidental medical insurance. If your child is involved in an accident & requires medical attention, the parent will be financially responsible for any cost incurred.

Our Center covers liability which is different from accidental insurance.

Toilet Training

We will be happy to assist you in the toilet training of your toddler, when the child is ready.

State Health Department regulations states that when you have made the decision to start toilet training, there should be a consultation between you and the caregiver, and a signed form that states your intentions will be placed on file.

Once training has begun, consistency is crucial. Toilet training is a joint responsibility of parents and caregivers.

Please bring training pants and dress your child in easily manipulated clothing – children need to be able to get undressed quickly.

Diaper Changes

Diapers are checked and changed as frequently as necessary to maintain the health and cleanliness of the child. Disposable gloves are used during diaper changes.

Hand washing and area sanitization is performed before and after each change.

Rest Time

Our Center naps between 11:45 & 2:00 p.m. each day. Infants –K2 nap time is 2 hours. K3 & K4 nap time is 1 hour 45minutes or less.

Parents provide a plastic, water-proof mat with the child’s name on it for children in the Toddler & Preschool classes.

In the state of Mississippi, children under the age of five are required to have a nap or rest time each day. No child is forced to sleep, but must remain quiet.

Please do not plan to pick up or drop off your child during this time, as it is disruptive to the children.

Infants will sleep in baby beds. Infants are placed on their backs to sleep unless the Center is given written permission from a Doctor for the infant to sleep on his/her stomach.

Outdoor Play

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The Department of Health regulations require that “children shall be taken outside for part of every day, weather permitting.” In following these regulations, we spend time outdoors at least twice a day if weather permits.

Please see that your child has adequate clothing for cold weather.

If there is any reason that your child should not be outdoors during regular playtime, or your child is too ill to participate in outdoor activities they need to be kept at home that day.

Water & Sun Safety

Sun-safe practices will be followed to promote and ensure the safety of all children.

Please apply sunscreen to your child before bringing them to school, particularly during the summer months. RUMC-ECDC will re-apply sunscreen as needed.

When children swim, lifeguards will be on duty and the staff/child ratio will be met.

Field Trips & Transportation

  • Field trips are an important part of learning. Children have an opportunity to learn, socialize, commune with nature, etc.
  • Children having discipline problems will not be allowed to participate in field trips. The teacher’s total attention must be on all of the children, not just one child who is being disruptive.
  • Parents will be notified several days in advance of upcoming field trips and any additional costs or supplies.
  • Parents will be asked to sign permission slips before each trip. A Field Trip Consent form must be completed before your child may leave the Center.
  • Parents are encouraged & invited to attend field trips with their child’s class.
  • Transportation for field trips is by van, and all precautions are taken to ensure the safety of your child. Parents will be asked to provide booster seats for their child to use on the trip.
  • Transportation Policy - The van will be driven by a staff member of RUMC-ECDC. At least one teacher will accompany the children on the van. Children use booster seats, wear seat belts and are required to remain seated at all times. Adequate insurance covers the van.

Emergency Evacuation Plan

If an emergency arises that requires the center to be evacuated, the RUMC church van will be utilized to transport children to McKenzie Arena on Seven Springs Road. Hinds Community College will supply additional transportation, if needed.


Our teachers have been trained to evacuate your children in the most efficient manner, should there be a weather or fire emergency. During hazardous weather, the students will evacuate the center and relocate to the brick building connected to the church. Students and teachers will remain in the hallway of that building until weather conditions clear up. The Center phone will ring over in that area, but please do not flood the Center with calls unless it is an absolute emergency.

In the event of hazardous conditions, the Center will remain open as long as safety allows.

If conditions for driving become too hazardous during the day, the decision may be made to close the Center, at which time you would be notified to come pick up your child.

During hazardous weather, such as ice, snow or sleet, if the Hinds County Public Schools are closed, so are we. Listen to your radio and TV for school closings.

If there are still questions regarding hazardous weather, you may contact management at (601) 857-8077.

Alerts and Drills

In case of a tornado alert, children will be brought to interior halls and restrooms or moved to the brick building across the breezeway.

Fire and tornado drills are conducted on a regular basis.

Each room has a posted policy regarding disaster drills.